Growing up on the gulf coast, hurricane tracking maps were available at every gas station, bank, and McDonald's. On the radio about every 10 minutes or so the DJ would announce the latest coordinates of the latest hurricane, and you would then put an "x" on your map matching those coordinates. Kind of like bingo I guess. My grandfather had this huge chalkboard with a map of the gulf and would get so excited about keeping track of the hurricane's progress. Back then the weatherman would have this magnetic board with the map and would move this large lawnmower blade shaped magnetic around with the coordinates. It was almost like tracking a relative coming for dinner or santa claus. The storms also had the friendliest names like Betty, or Bobby or Charley. Nothing to be afraid of.
Today, our children watch the weather and there this great big freaking red swirlie monster barrelling across a geologically and geographically correct map heading dead straight for that point on the map where they are taught to say that they live. Not only that but someone must want to bring back the anxiety of the cold war giving the storm mad Russian names like Boris or Ivan or Katrina.
Longitude: 27.2N Latitude: 89.1W -for those keeping score at home.
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